viernes, 6 de diciembre de 2013

"Myths and legends" strategy cards.
    Hello, this week I must to speak about a game I played when I was a child, and I immediately though in "Myths and legends" strategy cards, (a Chilean strategy card game created by SALO in 2000), and it was created how a collection of cards, but how it had great acceptance, SALO decided to create other new collection, which was a whole success and from that moment SALO created 2 or 3 collections every year.
(this was a especial edition in English, which joined several editions in one)
    I was 13 years old when this game was created and I started to play immediately. In the beginning I only played with classmates in the Hi school, but later I tough to play to my younger brother and then we played in the house and we rerun the city playing with other gamers, I enjoyed that very much because we can to know much different people and to plan strategies to defeat our rivals, even people from other cities.
(I liked this card because it made to damage back to my enemy)
   A great gathering moment was when there was a game tournament (especially in launch of a new  card edition), those were a best moments that a card gamer had to confront new people in bloody game.
(that was my favourite Totem from the Nordic edition "Ragnarok")
 I played the last game in 2009 (when I was 22 years old), because later SALO created super powerful card which can't be stopped with anything and the game lost the strategy value and became boring (specially the last editions of the game). In that moment if you had much money to buy the most powerful cards you can be the winner. (a sad end).
(that was the best card that you would can to have in your hands, "Golden Dragon", cheap and powerful)
Those were great memories, goodbye to everyone.

viernes, 29 de noviembre de 2013

A job I would like to have.
   Hello, this week I must write about a job I would like to have and the first that I think is to have a job related with Hydrology (perhaps in DGA, ONEMI, SHOA, some ministry or a regional government), even in a safe water company.  Any job related with water and where I have the chance to work sometimes in terrain.
(The interesting hydrological cycle)
    I like that kind of Jobs because I am very interested in Earth Sciences, and the Hydrology is going to have every day more importance in the actual and future world, because of the climatic change that will concern many countries of the world, including Chile.
(this graph shows priority on climate change that the countries give, and our country has a high perception about to give a higher importance to the climatic change, fortunately for us).
     The qualities I need to do this job well are several, to know to use the GIS´s (geographic information systems), to have knowledge of climatology, and knowledge of grounds, and something also important is to have the wish to travel.
 ( this is an image creates in GIS, that shows the "Flow accumulation" in the basins)
    I think I would be good at this job because I like all the related with the Hydrology, (GIS's, climatology, glaciology, ground studies) for this reason I think I would be happy working in some job related with the things I wrote.
(this image shows great meanders in farming grounds)
   I don't have an inspiration in this moment, perhaps someday I will have, but for now I have read books related with this subject, but those books generally are written for several authors.
that was an very interesting subject for me, thank to read this and goodbye.


lunes, 25 de noviembre de 2013

 Walk to Alerce Andino National Park.
Hello, this week I must to write about a walk that I would like to do again, and the first place that springs to my mind is the walk to Alerce Andino National Park, this is a national park near to Puerto Montt (36 km from Puerto Montt), this national park is famous for its "millenary alerces" which are native trees from the south of Chile and Argentina, these trees are considered as some of the oldest and biggest living trees of the world, (the alerces are relative of the Sequoias from USA). some alerces are near to the 4000 years old, and in the middle of this national park there is a huge alerce surrounded for a little wooden fence.

(this is one of the two park's entrances) 

(the huge millenary Alerce)

  I visited this park at January or February at 2007 and I was with three friends who came from Santiago and they didn't know Puerto Montt. we traveled for two days and we walked throw the park, we wash in a waterfall (it was almost a cavern, full of water steam), I remember that there were many bloodsucker insects which were very irritating. I also remember that we used huge leaves of ferns to avoid these insects, but these insects didn't stop till we killed them with the hands.

Although, there were huge "Nalcas" which are southern Chile native plants, moreover these plants are edible (the stem), but it doesn't have a good taste.
(I don´t know who is this man, I just used this photo to show the size of the leaves)

    I the night it is possible to hear many kinds of nocturnal animals, like woodpeckers, owls, and other animals that I cannot to know what they were.

That was a very cool travel, goodbye to everyone.

viernes, 15 de noviembre de 2013

Free post number 2: Glaciology in the actuality.

    This week I have the freedom to write about I want and I thougt to write about a very interesting theme for me now.  I´m going to write about the study and the utility of the Glaciology in the contemporary world, especially in this moment when we must to face the climatic change and its consequences, in special all the linked to the water troubles as the dries and floods.

    The study matter of the Glaciology are the glaciers of the world and all the linked to their origin, shape, thermal range, location, size, and the derivative shapes from their as the "U" shaped valleys, the great lakes, the hanging valleys and their wonderful waterfalls, among many other important things.

    In Chile we have the Andes range and it provides to us of the enough water to live (at least in central and southern Chile) and the it gets the water from the clouds throw thermodynamic processes and sometimes the water falls as liquid, but other times it falls as snow, and it became "firn" (hard snow in the common language), later, near to three years it could to became glacial ice, and I say "could" because it is not sure that the snow became firn and it became glacial ice, it depends of several factor, mainly the climatic conditions as the temperature and the occurrence of new snowfalls.

  I already wrote in a short way the glacier birth processes, but the most interesting now it is to write about the utility of glaciers for us. They are the big safe water reserves that we have specially in summer times when it is sunny and we have not rain in central Chile, the glaciers are like the water reserves that everyone of us would must to have in our homes (in case of water cut-off) and the summer is like that cut-off.  when they get warmer in summer, they release liquid water to the rivers.

   The problem is that the most of glaciers in the world are diminishing, and we could lose these vital reserves, and I don´t know how this world will can to carry on living, but that is another story.

Goodbye to everyone.

viernes, 8 de noviembre de 2013

My future in ten years more.
    Hi bloggers, in this week I must to speak about my future in ten years more, and I will begin to say where I will be living then, and I thing that perhaps I will be living in Punta Arenas or Valdivia, Concepción, Puerto Montt, I am not sure where I will live then, I only know that it is hard that I live many years in the same city.
    I would like to be working in something linked to the Physical Geography and to can travel often for the job.
    I hope to have a good house to live and I probably I got married my girlfriend then (she could not wait more time for that) and I don´t know if I will have sons then, perhaps, perhaps not, I don´t know.
   About the achievements, I think that the higher achievement that I could to get in that time is to graduate from the university (I would be very happy for that) and to get a job that I like.
   If we speak about the future of the world, I think that in ten years more the cars will can fly and they will use nuclear energy, ha ha ha, I have seen old magazines from the 60´s that spoke about the future in the 2000 year and it showed a world using nuclear energy everywhere, even in the houses, but I don´t know that the world can to change so much in only ten years, but perhaps our world will be a little hotter for the climate change and maybe we will have to get used to hotter and dryer summers, storms and  many other phenomena.
   I think about the pollution and I hope that it can to have a solution.

viernes, 25 de octubre de 2013

February 27, the earthquake.
  Hello, this week I must to write about the earthquake at february 27, a long and sad story.
I had arrived to live to Concepción at february 22, 2010, I had begun to study Industrial Design in the University of Biobio and we started the classes at february 23, I was to study a few days and at february 26 my girlfriend arrived from Puerto Montt to live with me in Concepción, we went for a walk by the downtown of the city and we went to a big park and to a hill near to the downtown of the city, it was a nice day and later we went to our home to rest.
   the earthquake begun late in the night and we were sleeping then, and the whole house begun to move and I thought that it was a nightmare, but I realized soon that it was a real earthquake, the house moved as a ship in a big storm, the glasses broke and the electricity and water were shut off, and I heard gas explosions everywhere (Concepción has underground gas pipes) several gas pipes broke in the city but the workers of the gas plant shut off the gas supply just in time to avoid a mayor tragedy. we had not a device to listen the radio then, but we Heard the news by a portable  neighbors' radio and then we listen a Concepción´s radio which said that it was a tsunami in Dichato and that already had dead people because of the earthquake and tsunami, and the radio said that we had to be calm.
   in the saturday morning we walked searching something to by to eat, but every grocery store were closed and it the few grocery stores that were open sold the food in the triple of the real Price or even more, In the afternoon the people begun to steal everything everywhere, even I saw people stealing fuel in a oil station, they extracted the fuel from the tanks using tins with cords, something similar to the eskimo people when they fish in a hole in the ice, for this reason arrived the soldiers in the night to order the city.
  we stayed for three day in concepción later the earthquake and then we traveled to Santiago escaping from the chaos.
 It was a great story, I hope that it had interested you.
goodbye everyone.

viernes, 18 de octubre de 2013

  Hello to everyone, in this week I have to write about a pet that I have or I would like to have, I alright wrote about this in a past post (june 24, 2013) for this reason I decided simply to write about the exotic pets that the people have around the world especially the strangest animals that the people could to have in their house.
  For example this boy and his snake, apparently to have snakes how pets is common in asian countries (because I have seen several photos in which appear children with snakes), wow it is amazing to see a little boy hugging that animal.

    Here we can to see an anteater with a sweater, I don´t know where it lives nor how is its owner but it´s a beautiful animal to have in the house (espeacially if you have an ant plague in your house), in a different way you would have to go to search ants to feed him. (hard job for a human).

    ha ha ha, this must to be the most intelligent pet of the world, it is a Capybara, the biggest rodent of the world, this animal lives in the tropical countries of America and it is the anaconda´s favorite food, but this capibara doesn´t have anything to fear because it is in a house and it knows its rights, how you can see it studing in the photo.

   This is a reindeer and its owner in a train station, I don´t know haw that animal can to travel in a train but it must to be something strange but accepted in another countries.
This is an Axolotl, an amphibian animal sold in many pet shop in the world.
I hope that you had enjoyed this post, goodbye everyone.



viernes, 11 de octubre de 2013

My girlfriend´s graduation dinner.

     Hello, in this post I must to speak about a special meal that I remember, and I thought that is interesting to remember an important dinner that I had.
    This dinner was the celebration of the university graduation of my girlfriend in 2009, she graduated of Psychology in Puerto Montt that year with a very well mark, and the people who went to the dinner were his family and me, this dinner was in an amazing restaurant near to Puerto Montt, its name is Kiel, I don´t know what is Kiel, perhaps it is a german word, but it doesn´t matter.
    The restaurant is in front of the sea and it had very beautiful gardens with ponds with ducks swimming there, and this restaurant had a marine setting, full of things from the ships and from the sea, wow, it was a luxury restaurant, and I don´t remember very well the meal, perhaps it was beef with some accompaniment, desserts and wine, but I remember very well the "ceviche".
     I remember in special this dinner because it was a special moment for my girlfriend, when someone graduates from the university merits to have a celebration for his/her achievements, it is necessary to celebrate the great moments.
goodbye to everyone.

viernes, 4 de octubre de 2013

  Travel to Dichato and "Los morros"
   I remember very well a travel I did with a friend to Dichato (David Reyes) in a weekend at february 2005. Dichato is a coastal town in the north of Concepción. It was a poor travel but funny, we led our things in the hut of one person that I knew, but we had to sleep in a tent near to 5 AM. the night in Dichato was funny because it is a very crowded beach.
   In the following morning we was to "Los morros", those are a hills in the end of the bay, but we were walking and we took around 2 or 3 hours (in a turtle step), and when I saw the open sea it was genial, when you up to these hills you can see the inside of the bay and in the other side you can see the huge Pacific ocean, with its waves trains, fishing boats, seagulls and you can feel a pleasant wind, we climbed to the Summit´s hill and there was several seagulls nests.
and these seagulls threatened peck us when they flew down and quickly, moreover they shouted loudly to protect their nests, although we didn´t want to destroy their nests.
   Later of this we were to the beach which was full of huge cochayuyos.  It was a genial travel to the beach.
Goodbye to everyone, till the next week.

viernes, 27 de septiembre de 2013

something I would like to learn to do.
To do Bonsais
    I would like to do bonsais (the art to create old little trees), I would like to learn to do this because I think that those trees are great, and there are many kinds of bonsais, with many shapes and sizes, there are alone tree bonsais and little forest bonsais, (the little forest bonsais must be in an odd number, never an even number), this is an old belief.
    I think that it would be not difficult to learn, but  the person that try to learn this must to know something about the trees.
     I don´t know how long it would take to learn to make bonsais but I think that it can be several years to do it well, moreover some bonsais take many years to be completed (an old bonsai is generally most beautiful that a younger bonsai).
     The equipment to make bonsais is mainly a big number of tree pruners, wires, pliers, shovels, between other things (non expensive things).
     The main difficulty is to prune a tree, because you must to take a normal size young tree and to shrink it several times and you can to kill the tree to do this. this process needs much patience.
      there are bonsai competitions in countries how Japan, China and in other countries where these are most popular.
goodbye to everyone.

jueves, 26 de septiembre de 2013

Free post:    
 aliens; creators of the humankind?

   Hello to everyone, this week I can to choose the theme of the post and I thought to write about a very interesting matter for many people: The aliens and the theory of the creation of the humankind by them. 
    There are many ancient monuments in the whole world which don´t have a convincing explanation about its real meaning and how these were built, for example, the Egypt´s pyramids, the Easter island´s Moais, Stonehenge, between others.

     there are people that suggest that the aliens were the creators of those great monuments or they gave the technology to the humans to build those huge structures, those people also say that the alien have been always visiting to the humans, they also think that some pharaohs of the ancient Egypt could have been aliens which were governing to the people like authentic gods in the Earth.

     we have also ancient great monuments in the Easter Island: The Moais, and they also don´t have an easy explanation about its construction. They weigh many tonnes and it is hard to imagine how the people of that time and place can build, to transport and to place them in their platform without suitable tools or big machineries. For some people the Moais are monuments to the alien gods and they represent the face of those gods which in some moment visited to the inhabitants of the island. 

    There are too many mysteries in the world and also there are too many theories to answer those mysteries.  The human mind doesn´t have limits.

  thanks to read and goodbye.

viernes, 13 de septiembre de 2013

Fiestas patrias.
  Hello everyone, this is a new semester with new teacher, and now I going to write about the "fiestas patrias" celebration, I will talk about this celebration when I lived in Puerto Montt between 2006 and 2010 and of course I stayed there for this celebration, I remember that this celebration was every year with a very rainy weather. the people of that city tryed to imitate the traditional activities of the central Chile people, such as the foods, the traditional games, the music, among other things.
  I used to go to this celebration place with my girlfriend in Puerto Montt and we also used to go to Puerto Varas, and there we drank beer and we ate traditional chilean and German food, that is a mix of chilean and German party very interesting moreover with a beautiful landscape.
  the rain was not a problema there because in Puerto Varas there was a big tent to meet and celebrate join to the central square of the city ( join to the Llanquihue lake), this year I will travel again to Puerto Montt and also I will go to Puerto Varas with my girlfriend. I hope also to can to go to Osorno. goodbye overyone, I hope that you are well. 

domingo, 28 de julio de 2013

the real last post of the semester

This is really the last post of the semester: Childhood memories.

   Hello, today I have to speak about my childhood memories, I born in 1987 and the first childhood memory that I have is when I was 3 or 4 years old, when my family was 5 people only, (we are 7 today), I remember that we lived in an old house and I played in the garden and there was many caterpillars there, I took one with the hands and it crept by my arm.
   later we was to live to other house and played football all the afternoon in a place near to the house, and in the spring season I bought or did kites to play all the day, it was very entertaining, I was to play with the kites with my brother which was six years younger than me, I also remember to have played with the marbles, I played many years with those things, there was many games with marbles and we carried the marbles to the school and we played in the breaks, but we played not only with the marbles in the breaks, we played with many traditional toys which have not translation to the English.

    I remember that I watched the TV in the afternoons, I changed the TV channels looking for cartoons in the old TV set (without remote control), I remember specially the "Zodiac's Knights". that cartoon was very epic and eccentric for that age, (some mothers didn't leave to see that cartoon to their children), perhaps it was very violent, although I don´t think the same, but that is a past story.

   I also remember that I saw Pokemon, which are not so violent like Zodiac's Knights, I had the album of Pokemon and I exchanged the Pokemon prints with my classmates.
   The last hobby that I had in the basic school were the cards of "Myths and Legends", since I was twelve years old still the present. (maaaaaaaaaaaaaany years)
   I also started a collection when I was a child which I still continue. I started to collect " bus tickets" when I was near to ten years old, (today I have near to 190 or 200 bus tickets from different cities of Chile)

 It was very funny to remember my childhood, goodbye everyone.

miércoles, 26 de junio de 2013


  Hi everyone, this is the last post of this semester, for this reason I will speak today about my experience using the blog.
  I am very happy to have used the blog, I entertained writing these monthes, and I think that it is a good tool to practice the language and to know a little else about my classmates.

  I think that my writing skill is better now and my vocabulary is broader but it is also because the many reads in English in other subjects which required many hours a week to learn that topics, and that reads required and they still require a great knowledge in English. I would like in the next semester to can talk more in the class and to study an advanced grammar and also to learn more phrasal verbs.

  I would like include in the future more perssonal stories or own tales. I have many stories in my head (reality), and other fiction stories which I would like to write. 

   I want to thank to the readers of this blog, several which are not classmates and I will say to them that it was genial to speak a little about anything.  so then........

  In the next semester I going to end the story about how a teacher of my highschool attempted to kill one classmate in front of all the class (non fiction).......that story merits to be written in a whole book.

  Goodbye to everyone.

lunes, 24 de junio de 2013

                                                          ANIMALS AND PETS

    Today I will speak to you about the animals and pets that I like, and the pets that I like more are the dogs, but no any kind of dog, I am fan of the dog races and I like to see in internet the differents races of the world    and how these have been created and also how these races have been scattered in the whole world.

   I like to see images of Dobermanns, Greyhounds, Pharaoh Hounds, and other more.


(Italian Greyhound)

(Pharaoh hound)

  Personally I don´t have any dog but I want too much to have one, but these dogs are very expensive and in this moment I don´t have neither money nor a place to breed him, only in the future I hope to have the necessary money to buy a dog and to feed him, to train him and all the necessary to give him a good life. 
  The good Dobermanns cost over the 1.000 dollars and the costs of the suitable feeding also are very expensive.

   I dislike the people that have animals in their home and they misstreat them, or the people that feed less or bad to their pets.  they can´t to have animals.

goodbye readers.


lunes, 10 de junio de 2013


        My favourite technological device is my Netbook, this is a Lenovo Netbook and i got it in 2012. and it is a fantastic device for too many uses.  The most frequent uses that I do with it are: to search information in Google, to look documentaries in youtube, to watch Ucursos, to check my E-mail, to search places in Google Earth. 
     Those are mainly the uses   in internet, but I use my netbook for other uses without internet: to use ArcGis, to store and listen music, to store and see images, to write in Word, to use Excell and Power point, to play Chess against the machine, to study documents in PDF, to watch movies, to use the calculator, and other things more.

  I use my netbook everyday, because I have to check Ucursos and my email at least twice a day, and I also have to study everyday in my netbook because I almost don´t use photocopies, 
I like my netbook because it serve for too many uses and it is very light (around 1 kg) and the battery lasts 5 hours, I like it because it serves for all, sometimes it is the only thing that I carry in my school bag because it  can replace all the other things. (books, notebooks, pencil and paper, photos, etc.)

  I thing that my life would be slower without my netbook, and my school bag would be heavier and I would be more ignorant.

Goodbye, till the next week.