viernes, 29 de noviembre de 2013

A job I would like to have.
   Hello, this week I must write about a job I would like to have and the first that I think is to have a job related with Hydrology (perhaps in DGA, ONEMI, SHOA, some ministry or a regional government), even in a safe water company.  Any job related with water and where I have the chance to work sometimes in terrain.
(The interesting hydrological cycle)
    I like that kind of Jobs because I am very interested in Earth Sciences, and the Hydrology is going to have every day more importance in the actual and future world, because of the climatic change that will concern many countries of the world, including Chile.
(this graph shows priority on climate change that the countries give, and our country has a high perception about to give a higher importance to the climatic change, fortunately for us).
     The qualities I need to do this job well are several, to know to use the GIS´s (geographic information systems), to have knowledge of climatology, and knowledge of grounds, and something also important is to have the wish to travel.
 ( this is an image creates in GIS, that shows the "Flow accumulation" in the basins)
    I think I would be good at this job because I like all the related with the Hydrology, (GIS's, climatology, glaciology, ground studies) for this reason I think I would be happy working in some job related with the things I wrote.
(this image shows great meanders in farming grounds)
   I don't have an inspiration in this moment, perhaps someday I will have, but for now I have read books related with this subject, but those books generally are written for several authors.
that was an very interesting subject for me, thank to read this and goodbye.


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