viernes, 8 de noviembre de 2013

My future in ten years more.
    Hi bloggers, in this week I must to speak about my future in ten years more, and I will begin to say where I will be living then, and I thing that perhaps I will be living in Punta Arenas or Valdivia, Concepción, Puerto Montt, I am not sure where I will live then, I only know that it is hard that I live many years in the same city.
    I would like to be working in something linked to the Physical Geography and to can travel often for the job.
    I hope to have a good house to live and I probably I got married my girlfriend then (she could not wait more time for that) and I don´t know if I will have sons then, perhaps, perhaps not, I don´t know.
   About the achievements, I think that the higher achievement that I could to get in that time is to graduate from the university (I would be very happy for that) and to get a job that I like.
   If we speak about the future of the world, I think that in ten years more the cars will can fly and they will use nuclear energy, ha ha ha, I have seen old magazines from the 60´s that spoke about the future in the 2000 year and it showed a world using nuclear energy everywhere, even in the houses, but I don´t know that the world can to change so much in only ten years, but perhaps our world will be a little hotter for the climate change and maybe we will have to get used to hotter and dryer summers, storms and  many other phenomena.
   I think about the pollution and I hope that it can to have a solution.

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