viernes, 25 de octubre de 2013

February 27, the earthquake.
  Hello, this week I must to write about the earthquake at february 27, a long and sad story.
I had arrived to live to Concepción at february 22, 2010, I had begun to study Industrial Design in the University of Biobio and we started the classes at february 23, I was to study a few days and at february 26 my girlfriend arrived from Puerto Montt to live with me in Concepción, we went for a walk by the downtown of the city and we went to a big park and to a hill near to the downtown of the city, it was a nice day and later we went to our home to rest.
   the earthquake begun late in the night and we were sleeping then, and the whole house begun to move and I thought that it was a nightmare, but I realized soon that it was a real earthquake, the house moved as a ship in a big storm, the glasses broke and the electricity and water were shut off, and I heard gas explosions everywhere (Concepción has underground gas pipes) several gas pipes broke in the city but the workers of the gas plant shut off the gas supply just in time to avoid a mayor tragedy. we had not a device to listen the radio then, but we Heard the news by a portable  neighbors' radio and then we listen a Concepción´s radio which said that it was a tsunami in Dichato and that already had dead people because of the earthquake and tsunami, and the radio said that we had to be calm.
   in the saturday morning we walked searching something to by to eat, but every grocery store were closed and it the few grocery stores that were open sold the food in the triple of the real Price or even more, In the afternoon the people begun to steal everything everywhere, even I saw people stealing fuel in a oil station, they extracted the fuel from the tanks using tins with cords, something similar to the eskimo people when they fish in a hole in the ice, for this reason arrived the soldiers in the night to order the city.
  we stayed for three day in concepción later the earthquake and then we traveled to Santiago escaping from the chaos.
 It was a great story, I hope that it had interested you.
goodbye everyone.

2 comentarios:

  1. wow master you heard a gas explosions everywhere!!?? i think that this event had to be very impressive and terrifying! regards for you master!

    1. yes master, explsions how if we were in the middle of a war.
