viernes, 15 de noviembre de 2013

Free post number 2: Glaciology in the actuality.

    This week I have the freedom to write about I want and I thougt to write about a very interesting theme for me now.  I´m going to write about the study and the utility of the Glaciology in the contemporary world, especially in this moment when we must to face the climatic change and its consequences, in special all the linked to the water troubles as the dries and floods.

    The study matter of the Glaciology are the glaciers of the world and all the linked to their origin, shape, thermal range, location, size, and the derivative shapes from their as the "U" shaped valleys, the great lakes, the hanging valleys and their wonderful waterfalls, among many other important things.

    In Chile we have the Andes range and it provides to us of the enough water to live (at least in central and southern Chile) and the it gets the water from the clouds throw thermodynamic processes and sometimes the water falls as liquid, but other times it falls as snow, and it became "firn" (hard snow in the common language), later, near to three years it could to became glacial ice, and I say "could" because it is not sure that the snow became firn and it became glacial ice, it depends of several factor, mainly the climatic conditions as the temperature and the occurrence of new snowfalls.

  I already wrote in a short way the glacier birth processes, but the most interesting now it is to write about the utility of glaciers for us. They are the big safe water reserves that we have specially in summer times when it is sunny and we have not rain in central Chile, the glaciers are like the water reserves that everyone of us would must to have in our homes (in case of water cut-off) and the summer is like that cut-off.  when they get warmer in summer, they release liquid water to the rivers.

   The problem is that the most of glaciers in the world are diminishing, and we could lose these vital reserves, and I don´t know how this world will can to carry on living, but that is another story.

Goodbye to everyone.

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