miércoles, 26 de junio de 2013


  Hi everyone, this is the last post of this semester, for this reason I will speak today about my experience using the blog.
  I am very happy to have used the blog, I entertained writing these monthes, and I think that it is a good tool to practice the language and to know a little else about my classmates.

  I think that my writing skill is better now and my vocabulary is broader but it is also because the many reads in English in other subjects which required many hours a week to learn that topics, and that reads required and they still require a great knowledge in English. I would like in the next semester to can talk more in the class and to study an advanced grammar and also to learn more phrasal verbs.

  I would like include in the future more perssonal stories or own tales. I have many stories in my head (reality), and other fiction stories which I would like to write. 

   I want to thank to the readers of this blog, several which are not classmates and I will say to them that it was genial to speak a little about anything.  so then........

  In the next semester I going to end the story about how a teacher of my highschool attempted to kill one classmate in front of all the class (non fiction).......that story merits to be written in a whole book.

  Goodbye to everyone.

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