viernes, 29 de noviembre de 2013

A job I would like to have.
   Hello, this week I must write about a job I would like to have and the first that I think is to have a job related with Hydrology (perhaps in DGA, ONEMI, SHOA, some ministry or a regional government), even in a safe water company.  Any job related with water and where I have the chance to work sometimes in terrain.
(The interesting hydrological cycle)
    I like that kind of Jobs because I am very interested in Earth Sciences, and the Hydrology is going to have every day more importance in the actual and future world, because of the climatic change that will concern many countries of the world, including Chile.
(this graph shows priority on climate change that the countries give, and our country has a high perception about to give a higher importance to the climatic change, fortunately for us).
     The qualities I need to do this job well are several, to know to use the GIS´s (geographic information systems), to have knowledge of climatology, and knowledge of grounds, and something also important is to have the wish to travel.
 ( this is an image creates in GIS, that shows the "Flow accumulation" in the basins)
    I think I would be good at this job because I like all the related with the Hydrology, (GIS's, climatology, glaciology, ground studies) for this reason I think I would be happy working in some job related with the things I wrote.
(this image shows great meanders in farming grounds)
   I don't have an inspiration in this moment, perhaps someday I will have, but for now I have read books related with this subject, but those books generally are written for several authors.
that was an very interesting subject for me, thank to read this and goodbye.


lunes, 25 de noviembre de 2013

 Walk to Alerce Andino National Park.
Hello, this week I must to write about a walk that I would like to do again, and the first place that springs to my mind is the walk to Alerce Andino National Park, this is a national park near to Puerto Montt (36 km from Puerto Montt), this national park is famous for its "millenary alerces" which are native trees from the south of Chile and Argentina, these trees are considered as some of the oldest and biggest living trees of the world, (the alerces are relative of the Sequoias from USA). some alerces are near to the 4000 years old, and in the middle of this national park there is a huge alerce surrounded for a little wooden fence.

(this is one of the two park's entrances) 

(the huge millenary Alerce)

  I visited this park at January or February at 2007 and I was with three friends who came from Santiago and they didn't know Puerto Montt. we traveled for two days and we walked throw the park, we wash in a waterfall (it was almost a cavern, full of water steam), I remember that there were many bloodsucker insects which were very irritating. I also remember that we used huge leaves of ferns to avoid these insects, but these insects didn't stop till we killed them with the hands.

Although, there were huge "Nalcas" which are southern Chile native plants, moreover these plants are edible (the stem), but it doesn't have a good taste.
(I don´t know who is this man, I just used this photo to show the size of the leaves)

    I the night it is possible to hear many kinds of nocturnal animals, like woodpeckers, owls, and other animals that I cannot to know what they were.

That was a very cool travel, goodbye to everyone.

viernes, 15 de noviembre de 2013

Free post number 2: Glaciology in the actuality.

    This week I have the freedom to write about I want and I thougt to write about a very interesting theme for me now.  I´m going to write about the study and the utility of the Glaciology in the contemporary world, especially in this moment when we must to face the climatic change and its consequences, in special all the linked to the water troubles as the dries and floods.

    The study matter of the Glaciology are the glaciers of the world and all the linked to their origin, shape, thermal range, location, size, and the derivative shapes from their as the "U" shaped valleys, the great lakes, the hanging valleys and their wonderful waterfalls, among many other important things.

    In Chile we have the Andes range and it provides to us of the enough water to live (at least in central and southern Chile) and the it gets the water from the clouds throw thermodynamic processes and sometimes the water falls as liquid, but other times it falls as snow, and it became "firn" (hard snow in the common language), later, near to three years it could to became glacial ice, and I say "could" because it is not sure that the snow became firn and it became glacial ice, it depends of several factor, mainly the climatic conditions as the temperature and the occurrence of new snowfalls.

  I already wrote in a short way the glacier birth processes, but the most interesting now it is to write about the utility of glaciers for us. They are the big safe water reserves that we have specially in summer times when it is sunny and we have not rain in central Chile, the glaciers are like the water reserves that everyone of us would must to have in our homes (in case of water cut-off) and the summer is like that cut-off.  when they get warmer in summer, they release liquid water to the rivers.

   The problem is that the most of glaciers in the world are diminishing, and we could lose these vital reserves, and I don´t know how this world will can to carry on living, but that is another story.

Goodbye to everyone.

viernes, 8 de noviembre de 2013

My future in ten years more.
    Hi bloggers, in this week I must to speak about my future in ten years more, and I will begin to say where I will be living then, and I thing that perhaps I will be living in Punta Arenas or Valdivia, Concepción, Puerto Montt, I am not sure where I will live then, I only know that it is hard that I live many years in the same city.
    I would like to be working in something linked to the Physical Geography and to can travel often for the job.
    I hope to have a good house to live and I probably I got married my girlfriend then (she could not wait more time for that) and I don´t know if I will have sons then, perhaps, perhaps not, I don´t know.
   About the achievements, I think that the higher achievement that I could to get in that time is to graduate from the university (I would be very happy for that) and to get a job that I like.
   If we speak about the future of the world, I think that in ten years more the cars will can fly and they will use nuclear energy, ha ha ha, I have seen old magazines from the 60´s that spoke about the future in the 2000 year and it showed a world using nuclear energy everywhere, even in the houses, but I don´t know that the world can to change so much in only ten years, but perhaps our world will be a little hotter for the climate change and maybe we will have to get used to hotter and dryer summers, storms and  many other phenomena.
   I think about the pollution and I hope that it can to have a solution.