viernes, 25 de octubre de 2013

February 27, the earthquake.
  Hello, this week I must to write about the earthquake at february 27, a long and sad story.
I had arrived to live to Concepción at february 22, 2010, I had begun to study Industrial Design in the University of Biobio and we started the classes at february 23, I was to study a few days and at february 26 my girlfriend arrived from Puerto Montt to live with me in Concepción, we went for a walk by the downtown of the city and we went to a big park and to a hill near to the downtown of the city, it was a nice day and later we went to our home to rest.
   the earthquake begun late in the night and we were sleeping then, and the whole house begun to move and I thought that it was a nightmare, but I realized soon that it was a real earthquake, the house moved as a ship in a big storm, the glasses broke and the electricity and water were shut off, and I heard gas explosions everywhere (Concepción has underground gas pipes) several gas pipes broke in the city but the workers of the gas plant shut off the gas supply just in time to avoid a mayor tragedy. we had not a device to listen the radio then, but we Heard the news by a portable  neighbors' radio and then we listen a Concepción´s radio which said that it was a tsunami in Dichato and that already had dead people because of the earthquake and tsunami, and the radio said that we had to be calm.
   in the saturday morning we walked searching something to by to eat, but every grocery store were closed and it the few grocery stores that were open sold the food in the triple of the real Price or even more, In the afternoon the people begun to steal everything everywhere, even I saw people stealing fuel in a oil station, they extracted the fuel from the tanks using tins with cords, something similar to the eskimo people when they fish in a hole in the ice, for this reason arrived the soldiers in the night to order the city.
  we stayed for three day in concepción later the earthquake and then we traveled to Santiago escaping from the chaos.
 It was a great story, I hope that it had interested you.
goodbye everyone.

viernes, 18 de octubre de 2013

  Hello to everyone, in this week I have to write about a pet that I have or I would like to have, I alright wrote about this in a past post (june 24, 2013) for this reason I decided simply to write about the exotic pets that the people have around the world especially the strangest animals that the people could to have in their house.
  For example this boy and his snake, apparently to have snakes how pets is common in asian countries (because I have seen several photos in which appear children with snakes), wow it is amazing to see a little boy hugging that animal.

    Here we can to see an anteater with a sweater, I don´t know where it lives nor how is its owner but it´s a beautiful animal to have in the house (espeacially if you have an ant plague in your house), in a different way you would have to go to search ants to feed him. (hard job for a human).

    ha ha ha, this must to be the most intelligent pet of the world, it is a Capybara, the biggest rodent of the world, this animal lives in the tropical countries of America and it is the anaconda´s favorite food, but this capibara doesn´t have anything to fear because it is in a house and it knows its rights, how you can see it studing in the photo.

   This is a reindeer and its owner in a train station, I don´t know haw that animal can to travel in a train but it must to be something strange but accepted in another countries.
This is an Axolotl, an amphibian animal sold in many pet shop in the world.
I hope that you had enjoyed this post, goodbye everyone.



viernes, 11 de octubre de 2013

My girlfriend´s graduation dinner.

     Hello, in this post I must to speak about a special meal that I remember, and I thought that is interesting to remember an important dinner that I had.
    This dinner was the celebration of the university graduation of my girlfriend in 2009, she graduated of Psychology in Puerto Montt that year with a very well mark, and the people who went to the dinner were his family and me, this dinner was in an amazing restaurant near to Puerto Montt, its name is Kiel, I don´t know what is Kiel, perhaps it is a german word, but it doesn´t matter.
    The restaurant is in front of the sea and it had very beautiful gardens with ponds with ducks swimming there, and this restaurant had a marine setting, full of things from the ships and from the sea, wow, it was a luxury restaurant, and I don´t remember very well the meal, perhaps it was beef with some accompaniment, desserts and wine, but I remember very well the "ceviche".
     I remember in special this dinner because it was a special moment for my girlfriend, when someone graduates from the university merits to have a celebration for his/her achievements, it is necessary to celebrate the great moments.
goodbye to everyone.

viernes, 4 de octubre de 2013

  Travel to Dichato and "Los morros"
   I remember very well a travel I did with a friend to Dichato (David Reyes) in a weekend at february 2005. Dichato is a coastal town in the north of Concepción. It was a poor travel but funny, we led our things in the hut of one person that I knew, but we had to sleep in a tent near to 5 AM. the night in Dichato was funny because it is a very crowded beach.
   In the following morning we was to "Los morros", those are a hills in the end of the bay, but we were walking and we took around 2 or 3 hours (in a turtle step), and when I saw the open sea it was genial, when you up to these hills you can see the inside of the bay and in the other side you can see the huge Pacific ocean, with its waves trains, fishing boats, seagulls and you can feel a pleasant wind, we climbed to the Summit´s hill and there was several seagulls nests.
and these seagulls threatened peck us when they flew down and quickly, moreover they shouted loudly to protect their nests, although we didn´t want to destroy their nests.
   Later of this we were to the beach which was full of huge cochayuyos.  It was a genial travel to the beach.
Goodbye to everyone, till the next week.