viernes, 27 de septiembre de 2013

something I would like to learn to do.
To do Bonsais
    I would like to do bonsais (the art to create old little trees), I would like to learn to do this because I think that those trees are great, and there are many kinds of bonsais, with many shapes and sizes, there are alone tree bonsais and little forest bonsais, (the little forest bonsais must be in an odd number, never an even number), this is an old belief.
    I think that it would be not difficult to learn, but  the person that try to learn this must to know something about the trees.
     I don´t know how long it would take to learn to make bonsais but I think that it can be several years to do it well, moreover some bonsais take many years to be completed (an old bonsai is generally most beautiful that a younger bonsai).
     The equipment to make bonsais is mainly a big number of tree pruners, wires, pliers, shovels, between other things (non expensive things).
     The main difficulty is to prune a tree, because you must to take a normal size young tree and to shrink it several times and you can to kill the tree to do this. this process needs much patience.
      there are bonsai competitions in countries how Japan, China and in other countries where these are most popular.
goodbye to everyone.

jueves, 26 de septiembre de 2013

Free post:    
 aliens; creators of the humankind?

   Hello to everyone, this week I can to choose the theme of the post and I thought to write about a very interesting matter for many people: The aliens and the theory of the creation of the humankind by them. 
    There are many ancient monuments in the whole world which don´t have a convincing explanation about its real meaning and how these were built, for example, the Egypt´s pyramids, the Easter island´s Moais, Stonehenge, between others.

     there are people that suggest that the aliens were the creators of those great monuments or they gave the technology to the humans to build those huge structures, those people also say that the alien have been always visiting to the humans, they also think that some pharaohs of the ancient Egypt could have been aliens which were governing to the people like authentic gods in the Earth.

     we have also ancient great monuments in the Easter Island: The Moais, and they also don´t have an easy explanation about its construction. They weigh many tonnes and it is hard to imagine how the people of that time and place can build, to transport and to place them in their platform without suitable tools or big machineries. For some people the Moais are monuments to the alien gods and they represent the face of those gods which in some moment visited to the inhabitants of the island. 

    There are too many mysteries in the world and also there are too many theories to answer those mysteries.  The human mind doesn´t have limits.

  thanks to read and goodbye.

viernes, 13 de septiembre de 2013

Fiestas patrias.
  Hello everyone, this is a new semester with new teacher, and now I going to write about the "fiestas patrias" celebration, I will talk about this celebration when I lived in Puerto Montt between 2006 and 2010 and of course I stayed there for this celebration, I remember that this celebration was every year with a very rainy weather. the people of that city tryed to imitate the traditional activities of the central Chile people, such as the foods, the traditional games, the music, among other things.
  I used to go to this celebration place with my girlfriend in Puerto Montt and we also used to go to Puerto Varas, and there we drank beer and we ate traditional chilean and German food, that is a mix of chilean and German party very interesting moreover with a beautiful landscape.
  the rain was not a problema there because in Puerto Varas there was a big tent to meet and celebrate join to the central square of the city ( join to the Llanquihue lake), this year I will travel again to Puerto Montt and also I will go to Puerto Varas with my girlfriend. I hope also to can to go to Osorno. goodbye overyone, I hope that you are well.