miércoles, 26 de junio de 2013


  Hi everyone, this is the last post of this semester, for this reason I will speak today about my experience using the blog.
  I am very happy to have used the blog, I entertained writing these monthes, and I think that it is a good tool to practice the language and to know a little else about my classmates.

  I think that my writing skill is better now and my vocabulary is broader but it is also because the many reads in English in other subjects which required many hours a week to learn that topics, and that reads required and they still require a great knowledge in English. I would like in the next semester to can talk more in the class and to study an advanced grammar and also to learn more phrasal verbs.

  I would like include in the future more perssonal stories or own tales. I have many stories in my head (reality), and other fiction stories which I would like to write. 

   I want to thank to the readers of this blog, several which are not classmates and I will say to them that it was genial to speak a little about anything.  so then........

  In the next semester I going to end the story about how a teacher of my highschool attempted to kill one classmate in front of all the class (non fiction).......that story merits to be written in a whole book.

  Goodbye to everyone.

lunes, 24 de junio de 2013

                                                          ANIMALS AND PETS

    Today I will speak to you about the animals and pets that I like, and the pets that I like more are the dogs, but no any kind of dog, I am fan of the dog races and I like to see in internet the differents races of the world    and how these have been created and also how these races have been scattered in the whole world.

   I like to see images of Dobermanns, Greyhounds, Pharaoh Hounds, and other more.


(Italian Greyhound)

(Pharaoh hound)

  Personally I don´t have any dog but I want too much to have one, but these dogs are very expensive and in this moment I don´t have neither money nor a place to breed him, only in the future I hope to have the necessary money to buy a dog and to feed him, to train him and all the necessary to give him a good life. 
  The good Dobermanns cost over the 1.000 dollars and the costs of the suitable feeding also are very expensive.

   I dislike the people that have animals in their home and they misstreat them, or the people that feed less or bad to their pets.  they can´t to have animals.

goodbye readers.


lunes, 10 de junio de 2013


        My favourite technological device is my Netbook, this is a Lenovo Netbook and i got it in 2012. and it is a fantastic device for too many uses.  The most frequent uses that I do with it are: to search information in Google, to look documentaries in youtube, to watch Ucursos, to check my E-mail, to search places in Google Earth. 
     Those are mainly the uses   in internet, but I use my netbook for other uses without internet: to use ArcGis, to store and listen music, to store and see images, to write in Word, to use Excell and Power point, to play Chess against the machine, to study documents in PDF, to watch movies, to use the calculator, and other things more.

  I use my netbook everyday, because I have to check Ucursos and my email at least twice a day, and I also have to study everyday in my netbook because I almost don´t use photocopies, 
I like my netbook because it serve for too many uses and it is very light (around 1 kg) and the battery lasts 5 hours, I like it because it serves for all, sometimes it is the only thing that I carry in my school bag because it  can replace all the other things. (books, notebooks, pencil and paper, photos, etc.)

  I thing that my life would be slower without my netbook, and my school bag would be heavier and I would be more ignorant.

Goodbye, till the next week.