lunes, 6 de mayo de 2013

Literature and books in my childhood.

     Hi, today I will speak about the literature that I read when I was a boy.
  I read many books in my childhood, especially books about mythology, (Greek and Egyptian mythology), heroes, monsters, gods, witches and knights, (when I was 10 to 13).
     Later of this I read about all above this world (and also out of this world).  Technology, religions of the world, anthropology, math, ancient literacy, fiction science, universal History, Chile History, physics, metaphysics,  epic literacy, Earth sciences, astronomy, (mythology from whole world), Philosophy, among another things.

     I can´t to know how many books I have read in my life, I only know that they are too many, I wild need much time to count them.

    I don´t have a favorite writer, I can´t to choice only one, for this reason I will name some of them:  Dante Alighieri, J.J. Benitez, Khalil Gibran, Nietzsche, Kafka, Poe, and other more.
    My favorite book is “The Divine Comedy” of Dante Alighieri, but also like too much, “The Madman” of Khalil Gibran, and the “Trojan horses” of J.J. Benitez.

                                                Dante and the hell, Purgatory and Heaven.

    My favorite character from literature is “Khalil the heretic” form the book “
Rebellious Spirits” of Khalil Gibran.

    I will tell you about about “The madman”.  This is a little book full of short stories which are narrated for a madman, I read this book in only two hours, 4 or 5 years ago but still I am digesting it.  The curious of the story is that nobody recommended it to me; this book arrived to my hand by its own will, (I took it randomly from the Puerto Montt´s library).

    Till the next week. Bye. 

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