lunes, 27 de mayo de 2013

 "One famous photo that surprises me"

Sudan famine, UN food camp (1994) 

  The photografer that taken this image was Kevin Carter (born in South Africa) and he won the "Pulitzer Prize" for this image taken in 1994 in Sudan (in the northeast of Africa). this photo shows a child which is near to hunger death and behind him is a vulture waiting that he die to eat him. 

 Really I don't like this photo, but I surprice of the brutallity of the image but I must to admit  that it is the raw reality in Africa. 
   now I speak to you something about Sudan.  This is a very poor country of Africa and it gets food help from other countries of the world, but it is still insufficient to feed the whole population, moreover the trouble is not the famine in itself but the incompetence of the people to get its own food, cause of lack of knowledge to farm and to breed animals, also because the lack of water for those activities, (not even safe water to drink).

   these image was so brutal that the photografer suicided due to remorse for not have helped the child in these moment.

till the next week, goodbye.

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