lunes, 1 de abril de 2013

                                                     My whole life. Jonathan Nuñez.
let me tell you a little about my self:  I'm Jonathan Nuñez, I´m 26 years old, I live in Ñuñoa, Santiago, I study Geography in the University of Chile.

                                                              My autobiography

     I born in march 23, 1987 in Bulnes (a little town near to Chillán) in the region of Biobio, when i was 3 or 4 years old my family was to live to Chillán. when i was 6 years old i entered to study in the Bernardo O'higgins elemetary school, but i studied there only three years, then i studied in other school which was called "Ramón Vinay Sepúlveda" (a  famous opera singer that was known in the whole world and he born in Chillán) I studied there till to finish my elemetary education, this was a very good school which had exelent teachers very compromised with their pupils. i finished the elemetary education in 2000.
      In 2001 i entered to study in the industrial high school of Chillán till 2004, when i finished my secundary education, (this was a very bad high school, the most of teachers were very old and idiot people).
     I going to tell you many stories that happened in that sinister place, and the ecstasy when i saw it destroyed by the big earthquake of 2010, (that is for itself a great story).
     Perhaps you would not believe what i tell you, but i claim you that i only say the truth.

    That place to which i refer (My high school) was a Robot Factory, but pleace, you must not think that it was a high technology factory which created androids or robots like Wall-e.  !!!!!!!!! nooo, the robots wich thy created were other kind of robots¡¡¡¡¡¡¡¡¡¡¡   these were human robots, the equivalent to the Bio-robots used in the Chernobil´s disaster.  perhaps you alright are confused, afraid, tired on angry with this story, but i assure you that if you carry on reading these lines you will know the most secret story never related in a blog, about a teacher and how he attempted to kill to my classmater in front of all the class........

  to be continued.

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