lunes, 15 de abril de 2013

My favorite band: it is hard for me to choise only one favourite band, I never have decided it, for this reason I will tell you about one of the better band that I like: ULVER

ULVER (it means “wolves” in Norwegian) it is a band formed in 1993 in Oslo, Norway.  In the beginning Ulver became known like a black metal band but later they unfortunately transformed in an electronic band and lost the most of their old fans, I only like the three first albums which often are known like the “black metal trilogy” althought one of them can't have this classification (kveldssanger)

Those great albums are the next:

1995.  Bergtatt - Et eeventyr i 5 capitler. (Taken by the mountain, a fairytale in 5 chapters)

   My favourite ULVER’s album, where Ulver began their career with the incorporation of elements of Norwegian folk music, sometimes using acoustic guitars and clean vocals and in other songs using dark vocals and electric guitars. The lyrics are in norwegian language and this album is a whole story  narrated in 5 chapters (the 5 songs) the lyrics are about an old story of nordic folk that speaks about the people that  is taken o captured by the creatures of the mountains (trolls, witches, spirits and another evil beings ), the story of this album in particular tells the travel of a maiden which is taken by the mountain´s evil creatures and it is narrated as a dialogue between her and the evil creatures, every minute that goes by shows us the suffering of this maiden which nothing can to do to save her freedom and scaping from the cold forest, she screams sadly but nobody can help her and the night falls, the stars and the moon have disappeared…..
       I have listened this album over 20 times and every time is better.

1996.  Kveldssanger.  (Night songs)

album almost completelly instrumental,  Which mixes classical guitars, cellos and men´s clean voices.  Exelent  album.
1997.  Nattens madrigal (Madrigal of the night)

   This is a raw sound album, strong and fast, an authentic jewel of its genre, the production of this album was extremely cheap and intentinally crude what produced the characteristic brutal sound. all the songs are related with wolves.

In other theme, i don´t know if ULVER have come to Chile some time, althought it doesn´t matter to me now,  I hope that this had seen interesting for you, I will wait for you the next week in my blog, don´t  forget comment, goodbye.

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