lunes, 29 de abril de 2013

    Today I will to speak about a website related to my study field, this website I the following

    This is a Canadian website that shows the features and applications of the also Canadian “RADARSAT” satellites, (RADARSAT 1 and 2), and this website belongs to the CANADIAN SPACE AGENCY´s website

  The two RADARSAT satellites are modern devices that operate using radar waves for the remote sensing; the images that they produce are in white and black because these images are produced like the vision of a bat.

(this is a RADARSAT image of Canada)

    These satellites are considered like active because they don´t need one external light source to work, for this reason they can to operate (to watch the Earth´s surface) in the day and in the night, but also in any climatic condition, or under extreme condition like storms, volcanic eruptions, forest fires and any condition that hides the vision for other passive satellites.
 The uses that we can make are many, but I will present the most common uses:

-          Ice vigilance (polar latitudes)
-          Maritime surveillance ( everywhere in the Earth´s oceans)
-          Disaster management ( storms, volcanic eruptions, tsunamis and  human disasters)
-          Hydrology (management of the safe water supplies)
-          Mapping (whole watching of the Earth´s surface)
-          Geology ( management and exploration of minerals and fossil combustibles)
-          Agriculture ( constant watching of the crops )
-          Forestry  (constant monitoring of the fire emergences)

(one RADARSAT satellite in the space)

     In summary, these satellites offer an almost unlimited source of information for us, in Chile we can to use these images for the monitoring of south of our country in many applications, (remember that these satellites can to see through the clouds).

     I invite to you to know about these modern devices in the following website:

Till the next week. 

lunes, 22 de abril de 2013

     This week i must speak about some geographers that admire and this time i don´ have doubts like the past week.  my choice is easy, the geographer that admire is Mikhail Lomonosov. (He is known like the father of the russian Geography)

  I´m going to tell you who is him:

     Mikhail Vasilyevish Lomonosov (1711-1765) was a great russian erudite, that contributed in different areas of the knowledge like: Chemistry Physics, Mineralogy, Geography, Glaciology, Optics, Astronomy and History, Philology, Visual Art, Poetry, Literature, Education, Philosophy and expert in languages (ancient Slavonic, Latin, Greek and German) moreover the Russian.


     Lomonosov born in 1711 in the village of Kholmogory ( in the coast of White sea in Russia), he born in a poor family, his father worked like a farmer and a fisher, till hi was 19 years old didn't go out from his village and hi was educated for his mother which was daughter of a deacon. He traveled with his father around the north of Russia and he learned navigation, maritime meteorology and he met with the northern peoples such as the Finns, Nenets and Laplanders.

    He left his home in 1730 and went to Moscow, where he entered to study the primary education, later he studied in the "Slavo-Greco-Latin Academy in Moscow, where Lomonosov studied in 5 years the programation for 8 years. He got a grant in this institution to go to study in the Academy of Science in Saint Petersburg, a year later he was sent to study in University of Manburg, Germany, later he was to Freiburg  to study in a Mining Academy (Chemistry, Physics, Mechanics, Mining and Smelting.

     In 1740 he returned to Manburg to get married Elisabeth Christine Zilch, and he began to be writer and poet.  Between 1754 and 1755, helps in the founding of the University of Moscow, which bears his name (the best and largest University in Russia now).  In 1765 Lomonosov died in Saint Petersburg when he was 53 years old.

    Lomonosov did great contributions to the "Earth Sciences", for this reason he is known like the father of the Russian Geography.

In Earth Sciences:
- He got close to the Continental Drift's Theory.
- He predicted theorically the existence of the Antarctica, arguing thet the icebergs in the South oceans could be formed only on a dry land covered with ice.
- He organized an expedition in 1764 to find the northeast passage between the Pacific and Atlantic oceans sailing along the northern coast of Siberia.

    I admire to Lomonosov for his great knowledge and value, he is an example for everyone to demonstrate that it is possible to surge in life. He didn’t have almost anything probability to surge and notwithstanding he did too much more than anyone with more resources in Russia. 

 if you want to know more, visit: 

lunes, 15 de abril de 2013

My favorite band: it is hard for me to choise only one favourite band, I never have decided it, for this reason I will tell you about one of the better band that I like: ULVER

ULVER (it means “wolves” in Norwegian) it is a band formed in 1993 in Oslo, Norway.  In the beginning Ulver became known like a black metal band but later they unfortunately transformed in an electronic band and lost the most of their old fans, I only like the three first albums which often are known like the “black metal trilogy” althought one of them can't have this classification (kveldssanger)

Those great albums are the next:

1995.  Bergtatt - Et eeventyr i 5 capitler. (Taken by the mountain, a fairytale in 5 chapters)

   My favourite ULVER’s album, where Ulver began their career with the incorporation of elements of Norwegian folk music, sometimes using acoustic guitars and clean vocals and in other songs using dark vocals and electric guitars. The lyrics are in norwegian language and this album is a whole story  narrated in 5 chapters (the 5 songs) the lyrics are about an old story of nordic folk that speaks about the people that  is taken o captured by the creatures of the mountains (trolls, witches, spirits and another evil beings ), the story of this album in particular tells the travel of a maiden which is taken by the mountain´s evil creatures and it is narrated as a dialogue between her and the evil creatures, every minute that goes by shows us the suffering of this maiden which nothing can to do to save her freedom and scaping from the cold forest, she screams sadly but nobody can help her and the night falls, the stars and the moon have disappeared…..
       I have listened this album over 20 times and every time is better.

1996.  Kveldssanger.  (Night songs)

album almost completelly instrumental,  Which mixes classical guitars, cellos and men´s clean voices.  Exelent  album.
1997.  Nattens madrigal (Madrigal of the night)

   This is a raw sound album, strong and fast, an authentic jewel of its genre, the production of this album was extremely cheap and intentinally crude what produced the characteristic brutal sound. all the songs are related with wolves.

In other theme, i don´t know if ULVER have come to Chile some time, althought it doesn´t matter to me now,  I hope that this had seen interesting for you, I will wait for you the next week in my blog, don´t  forget comment, goodbye.

lunes, 1 de abril de 2013

                                                     My whole life. Jonathan Nuñez.
let me tell you a little about my self:  I'm Jonathan Nuñez, I´m 26 years old, I live in Ñuñoa, Santiago, I study Geography in the University of Chile.

                                                              My autobiography

     I born in march 23, 1987 in Bulnes (a little town near to Chillán) in the region of Biobio, when i was 3 or 4 years old my family was to live to Chillán. when i was 6 years old i entered to study in the Bernardo O'higgins elemetary school, but i studied there only three years, then i studied in other school which was called "Ramón Vinay Sepúlveda" (a  famous opera singer that was known in the whole world and he born in Chillán) I studied there till to finish my elemetary education, this was a very good school which had exelent teachers very compromised with their pupils. i finished the elemetary education in 2000.
      In 2001 i entered to study in the industrial high school of Chillán till 2004, when i finished my secundary education, (this was a very bad high school, the most of teachers were very old and idiot people).
     I going to tell you many stories that happened in that sinister place, and the ecstasy when i saw it destroyed by the big earthquake of 2010, (that is for itself a great story).
     Perhaps you would not believe what i tell you, but i claim you that i only say the truth.

    That place to which i refer (My high school) was a Robot Factory, but pleace, you must not think that it was a high technology factory which created androids or robots like Wall-e.  !!!!!!!!! nooo, the robots wich thy created were other kind of robots¡¡¡¡¡¡¡¡¡¡¡   these were human robots, the equivalent to the Bio-robots used in the Chernobil´s disaster.  perhaps you alright are confused, afraid, tired on angry with this story, but i assure you that if you carry on reading these lines you will know the most secret story never related in a blog, about a teacher and how he attempted to kill to my classmater in front of all the class........

  to be continued.