domingo, 28 de julio de 2013

the real last post of the semester

This is really the last post of the semester: Childhood memories.

   Hello, today I have to speak about my childhood memories, I born in 1987 and the first childhood memory that I have is when I was 3 or 4 years old, when my family was 5 people only, (we are 7 today), I remember that we lived in an old house and I played in the garden and there was many caterpillars there, I took one with the hands and it crept by my arm.
   later we was to live to other house and played football all the afternoon in a place near to the house, and in the spring season I bought or did kites to play all the day, it was very entertaining, I was to play with the kites with my brother which was six years younger than me, I also remember to have played with the marbles, I played many years with those things, there was many games with marbles and we carried the marbles to the school and we played in the breaks, but we played not only with the marbles in the breaks, we played with many traditional toys which have not translation to the English.

    I remember that I watched the TV in the afternoons, I changed the TV channels looking for cartoons in the old TV set (without remote control), I remember specially the "Zodiac's Knights". that cartoon was very epic and eccentric for that age, (some mothers didn't leave to see that cartoon to their children), perhaps it was very violent, although I don´t think the same, but that is a past story.

   I also remember that I saw Pokemon, which are not so violent like Zodiac's Knights, I had the album of Pokemon and I exchanged the Pokemon prints with my classmates.
   The last hobby that I had in the basic school were the cards of "Myths and Legends", since I was twelve years old still the present. (maaaaaaaaaaaaaany years)
   I also started a collection when I was a child which I still continue. I started to collect " bus tickets" when I was near to ten years old, (today I have near to 190 or 200 bus tickets from different cities of Chile)

 It was very funny to remember my childhood, goodbye everyone.